Aka: San Pien—This anti-aging super tonic contains 42 herbal ingredients and is highly recommended for those needing an energy boost. It is a refreshing nutritional longevity tonic available in a liquid vail or pill to make a tea beverage that provides nutrients to increase energy and to maintain good health. This formula is extremely hard to acquire, and has been priced according to its rarity. We will provide daily dosage instructions when your order is fulfilled. Long-term even life-long use recommended.
Tze Pao San Pien Extract—Ingredients: Oriental Ginseng Root, Astragalus Root, Dong-Quai • Dang Gui Root, Rehmannia Root, Chinese Dodder Seeds, Lycium Berries, Fennel Fruit, Zanthoxylum Piperitum, Morinda Fruit, Asiatic Dogwood Fruit, Polyporus Fungal Body, Scurfy-Pea Fruit, Achyranthes Root, Chinese Yam Root, Yin Yang Huo Herb, Eucommia Bark, Cinnamon Bark, Moutan Bark, Raspberry Fruit, Fo-Ti Root, Anemarrhena Rhizome, Atractylodes Rhizome, Alisma Rhizome, Polygala Root, White Peony Root, Anemone Rhizome, Honey. Original Ingredients Were: Deer Penis, Ginseng, Deer Horn, Astragalus, Dong-Qui (Angelica Sinensis), Gecko, Rehmannia, Dodder Seeds (Cuscutae), Lycium, Fennel, Nardostachys Chinensis, Zanthoxylum, Morinda, Asiatic Dogwood, Polyporus, Aquilaria Sinensis, Scurfy-Pea Fruit, Achyranthis, Chinese Yam (Dioscorea), Yin Yang Huo, Eucommiae, Moutan, Rubus Chingii, Polygonum, Anemarrhena, Polygala, White Peony Root, Cistanche, Anemone, Honey.
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