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Bu Zhong Yi Qi | Central Chi Formula | 补中益气丸

Bu Zhong Yi Qi | Central Chi Formula   |  补中益气丸
Price: $21.99


This patent pill formula is sold in one bottle of 200 pills (that’s a 8-day supply) for $21.99.


Aka: Central Chi Formula, Tonify the Middle and Benefit Qi Formula; Central Chi Pills combines astragalis and licorice in this classical Chinese formula that provides relief from poor digestion with symptoms of bloating, pain, gas, erratic stools, and diarrhea. Bu Zhong Yi Qi primary function is to rebalance the organs of the digestive system, and allow the central part of the body to function at optimum levels. This superior energy formula was created by the Chinese herbalist, Li Dong Yuan. This formula is excellent for anyone described as: tired, weak, feels cold, short of breath, chronic diarrhea, weak digestion, pale skin, low appetite, sweats easily, feeling of heaviness, with a deficient immune system. Central Chi Pills is also an excellent rejuvenator for the elderly, for those over-worked, highly stressed and anyone recovering from an illness or rough pregnancy. We will provide daily dosage instructions when your order is fulfilled. Long-term use is recommended.


Bu Zhong Yi Qi Central Chi Pills—Ingredients: Astragali Radix, Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba, Ginseng Radix, Angelicae Gigantis Radix, Citri Unshius Pericarpium, Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma, Cimicifugae Rhizoma, And Bupleuri Radix.

Tags: herb, spice, powder

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