This effective herbal prescription is sold in two sizes—choose from—one herb kit (which contains approx. 125 grams and should last about 15 days) and we discount on a 60-day supply (which contains an approx. 500 gram herb kit); both are available in either the raw form or powdered. The preferred method of preparation for this formula is powdered it can be used to make pills, capsules, tea, medicinal wine, or simply add the powder to juice or a smoothie and drink like you would a power-shake. The cost for a 15-day herb kit is $49.99 and a 60-day herb kit is $199.96 ($49.99 + $149.97). Please use the above "add-on" and “description” buttons to make your choice.
Aka: Moisten the Intestines—Run Chang Tang is a combination of angelica, peach, hemp seed, Chinese foxglove, and bitter orange that provides gentle and smooth relief from chronic or acute constipation. It will lubricate the intestine, move hard stool that is difficult to expel, and unblock the bowels. Run Chang is available in patent pills or raw form. This prescription can be used in the raw form to make a decoction or medicinal wine, or it may be powdered and used to make pills/capsules or simply added to a smoothie or juice. If you wish us to powder this formula for you, please check the appropriate box at check-out and there will be a $10.00 powdering fee applied. We will provide complete step-by-step processing and daily dosage instructions when your order is fulfilled. Acute (short-term) and long-term use is recommended.
Run Chang Tang—Ingredients: Tang-Kuei Root • Dang Gui, Cooked Rehmannia Root • Shu Di Huang, Raw Rehmannia Root • Sheng Di Huang, Scute Root • Huang Qin, Linum Seed • Ma Zi Ren, Apricot Seed • Xing Ren, Peach Kernel • Tao Ren, Bitter Orange Fruit • Zhi Shi, Magnolia Bark • Hou Pu, Chinese Rhubarb Root • Da Huang, Chinese Licorice Root • Gan Cao.
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The statements made have not been evaluated by FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.