Aka: Anti-Lumbago Tablets, Specific Lumbaglin, or Specific Lumbarling Back Pain Relief—Back pain has many possible causes; therefore it is advisable to seek medical advice to determine whether it is caused by an injury to the supporting tissues (muscles, spine, and nerves) or due to a disease of the internal organs. Once a specific cause for back pain has been established, traditional Chinese medicine offers several different treatment options. Back pain caused by muscle strains, tears, or weakness is treated with tui na massage, herbs, ointments and liniments, and moxabustion (heat therapy). Osteoarthritis is treated with acupuncture, herbal therapy, including compresses and plasters. In cases of sciatica, which is often caused by a slipped or prolapsed intervertebral disk pressing on a spinal root of the sciatic nerve, herbal therapy does offer pain relief, along with being adjusted by an osteopathic physician or chiropractor. In the meantime, one particular patent medication offers strong pain relief: Yao Tong Pian. Complete dosage information and order processing instructions will be provided with your order. Long-term (continuous) use is highly recommended.
Yao Tong Specific Lumbaglin/Lumbarling—Ingredients: Angelica Sinensis Root, Eucommia Ulmoides Bark, Dipsacus Asper Root, Atractylodes Macrocephala Rhizome, Psoralea Corylifolia Fruit, Achyranthes Bidentata Root, Drynaria Fortunei Rhizome, Angelica Pubescents Root.
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