This herbal prescription comes in an herb kit (which contains approx. 400 grams which after aging will produce about a gallon of very potent medicinal wine that will last the user about 60-90 days); it is available in either the raw form or powdered. The powder can be used to make a smoothie, tea, or pills. Please use the above "Add-on" button to make your choice.
Aka: Trauma Pills; Die Da Wan is a well-known anti-trauma prescription that is particularly effective for treating subcutaneous bleeding (which is purplish colored bruised blood visible beneath the surface of the skin). Typically, this type of formula provides prompt and effective relief. Die Da Wan is one of the best-known formulas of this type, and is often used during the first and second phase of treatment. More information on the phases of treatment is available in the book "Kung Fu Medicine." Die Da Wan was first recorded in The Collection of Chinese Prepared Medicines during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-265 AD). This formula is a carryover from traditional Chinese trauma medicine; a strong testimonial for the formula’s effectiveness is the fact that it has remained unchanged, free of any revisions or modifications, for nearly two thousand years. Often referred to simply as the Trauma Pill; Die Da Wan which is well known among Kung Fu stylists is also widely used by practitioners of a variety of Asian martial arts styles, to invigorate the blood and alleviate painful inflammation and bruising.The formula is available in patent pills or the raw form. This raw herb must be powdered and made into pills for use. If you wish us to powder this formula for you, please check the appropriate box at check-out and there will be a $10.00 powdering fee applied. We will provide complete step-by-step processing and daily dosage instructions when your order is fulfilled.
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